Some thoughts
In the past couple weeks I've heard of two Religious Icons in this country say that they will not vote for John McCain. I don't know if they are just not going to vote at all or if they are going to write someone in. I'm no spiritual giant I find that very irresponsible. If George W. Bush didn't do anything else in office other than appoint those justices, it was a succsessful 8 years. How will these people feel after not voting, if Oprahbama or Billary win this election, a couple justices die or quit, and very liberal pro-choice judges are appointed. I myself would feel tremendous guilt and regret. Just my thought
dude honestly is macain really that much better than the other two. who's to say the old man would put in a conservative justice. He's a liberal in sheeps clothing. 20 years ago he'd be on the democratic ticket. Ask yourself this what is better 4 years of oprabama and then newt ginrich to the rescue or 8 years of Macain.
Jay, I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm not a big McCain supporter but I actually do think 8 years of McCain would be better than 4 years of Obama, especially with a democratic house and senate.
McCain will appoint justices that will want to overturn Row V, not because its wrong, but because it should be a state issue.. FYI, Washington will keep it legal.. I feel passionate about some of the issues in this election.. Very few that McCain supports.. Immigration and Iraq to name a couple.. I am so sick of the mindset that if you are a Christian, you should support everything the GOP does.. Can a Republican not want my neighbor to have a machine gun? Can I be against the death penalty? Can I want the hell out of Iraq? As a Christian, am I supposed to be against the notion of global warming? Can I believe what a scientist says over what a talk show host on KVI believes? All that to say, I am a conservative and a christian.. I do not want to pay more "federal" taxes so some construction worker in Nebraska, working under the table gets free health care.. I was on board when Bush went into Iraq, just like everyone.. But hind sight, it wasn't the American or Christian thing to do.. Unless I missed the part in the bible that said.. Thee go forth and strike the galatian who very well could someday strike thou.. Fallopians 4:11.. I will campaign and support McCain as long as I feel he will help save the unborn.. But it is annoying that someone who doesn't speak for me in most other issues isn't running.. If he waivers on the pro-life issue, I will not vote.. period..
I agree with darren, we should not be republicans just because we are christians, we have just become pawns in a nasty political game if we do that. I'm not a "republican" I'm a conservative I believe in a captiolist system and small government. when people start to get something for nothing democracy will fail.It is a sad direction our country is headed in. The dems want to make us into a cuba and the gop wants to please liberals. It's simple cut spending (like welfare) lower taxes, it is not ok to be gay, it is not ok to kill babies (evan for fetal tissue research). secure borders, kill terrorists, say God when you pledge alliegence (at least put your hand on your heart, obama)
or I won't vote for you. McCain thinks fetal research is ok and rape and insece abortions are ok. Is murder not murder.Those are my convictions, it will be hard to vote for McCain maybe I'll vote for myself in the write in. God help us
let's form a new party and call the christitolism. Any takers? anyone, anyone? I couldn't agree more with Darren and Jay. If I have any inkling that McCain will pander to democrats about abortion, I'm out. If that is the case it would alomost be better of one of the communists won. At least that way a republican won't be the one that screws up this country and we can have another Reagan nomination in response to that tool Jimmy Carter
One more thing that I do not understand. Maybe someone can help me. About the religious leaders. They say they will not vote for McCain and they reference his exemption for a abortion in cases of rape or incest. They also reference his support for embryonic stem cell research. Don't get me wrong, I am militantly against both of these. In the year 2000 when the church and the Call were praying George W. Bush in to office, he believed and supported those exact same exeptions and embryonic stem cell research. I just don't get the difference. I don't say this as a reason to vote for John McCain but there just seems to be some inconsistancy here. Am I wrong???
Hi Ryan,
I just found this wonderful argument on your blog :) Arent politic's fun! I thought I would give my two cent's on this issue.
Of course I am sick to my stomach that John McCain is our nominee. After he lost the GOP nomination to Bush 8 years ago he has acted like a huge baby. I never in a million years thought that he would get the nomination.
So, now that we are all faced with the decision on whom to vote for. For one I have to say, this is politics. And that is why we dont serve our politicans, we serve a Mighty God! I am sad to say that our generation is showing its true colors. We tend to jump ship when things get to hard, perfect example - marriage, and now since we dont like John McCain we are jumping the republication ship to take on whatever seems best at the moment.
Im not a republican because christian radio tells me to be or because the church tell's me to be. I am a republican because most of the time they follow the values that I believe in.
In the Bible it says clearly, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, it also says to help the helpless which is exactly what we are doing in Iraq. Hind sight is always 20/20. Im sick of people saying George Bush took us into an illegal war. We all wanted to go to war, and now that things arent turning out the way we wanted them to, we are acting like spoiled brats and whining about how we need a new president who will tuck tail and run out of there. Real men sick problems out. Stop listening to the Media! They are bias and evil. All they want to do is promote the bad things that happen, none of the good things. Good things are happening there and Saddam was and evil, evil man. Has anyone noticed that there has not been an attach on American soil since 9/11? That isnt because we have a weak ass president. Its because we have a man of integrity, who sticks to his word.
Be a democrat if you feel like God is calling you to be a deomcrat. There is nothing wrong with that. But stick with your party throgh thick and thin, that is what loyalty is all about.
God gave us this amazing country to be born in, we are responsible to take care of it. I was just in Africa for two weeks, and many times I thought to myself, how in the world was I so fortunate to be born in the United States of America??? There is so much world out here and I was born there. We are a lucky, lucky people. People and media in America want to make us believe that we are bad country and every problem in the world is our fault. We live in a wonderful place. Thank God everyday for it and pray everday for our leadership.
Here are my concerns about Obama. His dad is a devout muslim, Obama goes to a very strange church in Illinois, he has never served in the millitary nor has any inclination on how to run the most powerful army in the world. He hasnt been in politic's long enough to know what is going on. There are so many other things but I dont have time to list them.
McCain, McCain, McCain. Like I said, I cant believe he is our nominee. But I honestly cant believe all of my friends that are either voting for Obama or just arent going to vote at all. We are a bunch of spoiled brats.
Fortunatley, the Bible says that things have to get worse before he comes back to take us all home.
The awesome thing about being alive and a Christian is that we know even when we dont win elections, we still win in the end because God is Great and he is in control.
So thats my two cents. Lets be diligent to pray for our country. Its fun to be alive!!!
Well it looks like we all have a point of view on who we should vote for. Well having read them all I can say Ryan's is not bad, but I think the Stockwells have said it best so far. Cute couple too & I don't know if I've met them yet. I agree that I do have a few nephews that may be cry babies and spoiled brats but I love them anyway. Unconditionally!!!
Uncle Jim
The truth about it is I will vote McCain Because Oprobama scares the hell out of me, he is a wack job, and because mccain is so old he'll probably kick the bucket before his 2nd term. I'm glad we have a loving God we can count on. Christitolism I'm all for it if only we could get casey treat to stop flying in helicopters and donate to our political campaign.....
Dofelmier 2016
Cry babies, ouch... I thought we went into Iraq because of the weapons of mass destruction.. Sure, help the helpless.. 17 years ago when we had every right and the whole world behind us. It doesn't seem like the Iraqi people are helping themselves, and us being there is just attracting the terrorists to that area. It is true, we haven't had an attack on us since 9/11.. But when will we be completely safe? If we stay there for 100 years and then pull out, what then?
When we made the decision to go into Iraq, we were all acting out of revenge, anger and fear. If I saw someone come up and punch my 1 year old boy in the face, I would probably try to kill them.. I would feel justified at that moment, but in hind sight it wouldn't be the right thing to do.. Why aren't we invading the Sudan? Venezuela? Lets pull out of Iraq, find an alternative to middle eastern oil and then respond if we are attacked again. By the way, we are still being attacked.. its our 18 and 19 year old soldiers.. I appreciate there protection and service, but I would like them to come home now..
Darren, my dear nephew I see your still confused and need to get your facts straighten out. al-Qaida was there before we invaded and now is not the time to say uncle. Smile
Uncle Jim
You know you are my favorite Uncle.. I think al-Qaida is in every Muslim country, and we will be fighting this battle forever. Is Iran next? How about Syria? Lets see what happens when we stop supporting them every time we fill up our tanks, close our bases in the middle east and fall back to protect Israel.. What will they do w/out our money?
Hey Jay and Ryan.. I am not sure but I think you have to be 35 to be Pres. and guess who is turning 35 right before the election.. Thats right... The first Christitolism candidate for President Darren Anthony (dropping my last name as to not be stereotyped as a German) I will promote CHANGE, I will reach across party lines and such as... I will do something changish in the Iraq, I will promote special interest and encourage lobbyists to spend more money for our under payed congress.. I will give health care to every poor American in the form of a letter that says " GET A JOB W/ BENEFITS!" I will be ready on DAY ONE to be president, because of my experience in being leader of the week 2 times in Masters Commission. Instead of a fence at the border I will build a tunnel from Mexico to Canada. I will not be steadfast on any issue, but I can be bought! Last but not least. I will have my fantasy football draft on Air Force One!
You know I've been looking into Ron Paul as a viable Christitolism candidate. He seems to be a real conservitive and he's kinda funny lookin. He is pro-life pro-gun and pro-drugs!! Drugs for everyone! I think I have a sore throat. How bout some hasheesh!!
Darren... for your info The top five countries that we get our oil from are Canada, Mexico, the Arabs, The American hater & drug czar down south and Nigeria & Nigeria. Now if you're going to allow drilling in Alaska and off our coasts then you've got my vote for president. Amen
Uncle Jim
Like you there isn't a lot I like about McCain but He's better than those Socialist's and Marxist's on the other side. Now I'm really thinking about that tunnel you suggested and instead of the fence by extending those tunnels to Canada, we can solve our illegal immigration problem. Now having said that even though we don't agree on some issues and I can't agree on any on the other side.. you've got my vote. Keep up the good work.
Uncle Jim
I feel as though the Dofelmier Family has found it's true calling. Political Pundits. That's right move over Sean Hannity, I'm pretty sick of you anyways. Hey Uncle Jim I'm going to be in town next week maybe we can set up a tee time?
That's it, i am making my formal declaration as a candidate for president from the christianolism party today. My platform is pro-gun, anti-taxes, anti-abortion, anti-gay(that means everything gay, even lance bass), pro-traditional marriage, pro-drilling anywhere there is oil in america and anti-canada. I believe I am better looking than McCain, I'm sure Oprah would like me if she got to know me and I'm not Hillary. With this message I beleive CHANGE can happen. Do I have your vote?
Ry, great topic buddy.
Iraq - should we or shouldn't we still be there, well i believe we should. It's not going to change just overnight and turn what was once a country controlled by fear and torment, into a government which can help the people. put yourself in their shoes. It's been years of torment. and thanks be to God that we have a country that is free and able to go help people out rather than be so stuck in our own selfish ways.
McCain - i don't really care for john but even if he turns the issue of abortion to a state choice and 50% of the states get rid of abortion, isn't that a victory? I think 25% is. Not total victory but a start. What if we don't vote and hillary or obama do the complete opposite of what you believe and put a couple of justices in that will never give our kids a chance to overturn it? Will we look back and wish we would have done something about it?
Hillary & Obama - it's all about power for her and obama has not done anything other than vote as the most liberal voter, even more then hillary. Universal health care is a terrible idea.
so there you go ry, those are my opinions
global warming - check out this 20/20 video
I love Al Bore
Ok Kyle...I liked your speech so tell me about your border plan.. Steve isn't running, but he has the right ideas on Iraq... Before I cast my vote I'll wait to hear more from all, but as of now I'm leaning towards Kyle and Chelsie would make a great first lady, besides she looks great and it may be a first to have a baby born in the white house. At least a second. is a factor, but give me a call.
Uncle Jim
I 100% agree with Steve. We are doing a lot of good for the people of Iraq. I have never spoken with one millitary man or woman who has thought that being in Iraq is a bad idea. They all believe that we are doing a lot of good over there.
The more I hear about Obama the more scared I get....I just got a email today regarding a speech that Obama gave that said he believes the "Sermon on the Mount" justifies same sex marriage. Its on the Faith and Freedom website. Go and read the article. If you dont get their email's you should sign up for them. They have a lot of good info.
We have a lot to pray about! The good thing about all of this is the bigger the problem the bigger the miracle.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Washington voters found Governor Christine Gregoire locked in a tight re-election campaign with Republican Dino Rossi. Four years ago, the 2004 election between the same two candidates was one of the closest elections in the state’s history.
Now, looking ahead to the fall of 2008, Rossi leads Gregoire 47% to 46%, a statistically insignificant difference. The two candidates are tied at 44% among unaffiliated voters.
Rossi is viewed favorably by 52% and unfavorably by 41%. Fifty-one percent (51%) have a favorable opinion of Gregoire while 44% view her unfavorably
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely Washington state voters finds John McCain and Barack Obama essentially tied in a general election match-up. McCain leads Obama 45% to 44%.
McCain tops Hillary Clinton 48% to 40% in the Evergreen State.
McCain beats hilary easy......
go Hilary (I can't believe I just said that)
As for my border plan, we need to build that fence that we have money alotted for already and as for those who are here illegally, its time to go home. I know that there are those that are sympathetic to their hardships down in mexico but the law is the law. If you found out someone broke into your basement and had been living there for years without you knowing it you would kick them out as fast as you can. I don't know a single person who would let them stay. America is our house and we have a legal way to get in. As for Iraq, I wouldn't change a thing. It was the right thing to do to go in and we need to stay until it is stable enough there that Iran can't come in and take over. If you have any questions feel free to ask or you can make donations for my candidacy at
DAY TWO OF THE PUPPY! I cannot believe I am still hearing about the puppy! I love dogs, but this is twilight zone.. I was driving home last night, listening to progressize talk radio thinking of ways to post on Ryan's blog and irritate people, when I heard the news that a suicide bomber killed 50 innocent Iraqis.. and it took all but 5 seconds to tell the story. When they went back to the main story I listened to how some kid threw a puppy down a hill for an hour.. Listening to how animal rights people were harrassing his family (the soldier's family, not the dogs for you Rush Limbaugh fans) People couldn't understand what might drive a young person to do something so twisted! NO TALK ABOUT THE FREAKING TERRORIST THAT STRAPPED A FREAKING BOMB TO HIS CHEST AND KILLED 50 FREAKING PEOPLE!!!!!!! This is sick, when we hear about bombings that kill 50 innocent people, we think to ourselves atleast it wasn't at the mall down the road.. But God forbid there is a puppy hurt! I got so frustrated, I was praying I would see an E.L.F. w/ a banner on the side of the road so I could "accidentally" drop my cell phone on the floor board and maybe run up on the curb :) One thing the story about the puppy did for me, is make me want a puppy.. SAVE THE PUPPIES AND LET FRANCE BUILD OUR MILITARY JETS... SWEET.. Uncle Jim, what is right about pre-emptive strikes? I am not trying to argue, I really want to know what is right about pre-emptive strikes.. If oil really had little to nothing to do with the reason we are forced to stay in that region.. Why havn't we pre-empted the crap out of Sudan? Teach me!
As for my brother who is running against me in the Christitolism primary, I feel its only right to point out he is a flip flopper! On his anti- everything that is gay stance.. He has been known to where designer jeans w/ cute little leather patches on the back pockets.. Do you really want someone like that letting his phone go to voicemail at 3am? I myself am a moderate on this issue.. I feel Lance Bass is a very talented artist/astronaut and I appreciate his endorsement! My last word shall be CHANGE
Darren, my dear nephew, do you remember 9/11, they struck first, second, third, fourth and fifth. If you need to know where let me know & I'll refresh your memory. Let's not forget that Saddam declared war on the US, maybe no one remembers that. I would rather hit first and be wrong then regret not doing so.
Kyle, I love your total outlook, but I now have reservations about your choice in jeans given me by your competition. It may be dirty politics, but it does make think a little more. I'm holding off on my vote for more input from others.
Uncle Jim
It's true... I've seen the jeans myself... highly concerning... :) But based off of hilariousness alone, Kyle should win...
It looks like Darren has turned to dirty politics. Attacking my jeans is a very desperate attack and pandering for Lance Bass' support is a clear cry to appease the left. In defense of my jeans with leather patches, I have little fashion sense but my wife does. So my wearing those jeans is a support of healthy marriages. If you oppose my jeans you are against healthy marrianges. Also I hear Darren is going to have Leonardo DiCaprio as his vice president. I will be appointing Newt Gingrich as my vice.
So I went to our 47th district convention and looked for Kyle all day long.. What if the red phone rang at the convention? I would have been there to answer and would have pushed the red button.. Speaking of the convention.. I thought I had accidentally walked into an AARP rally.. Speaking of AARP, I would like to ask James Norris Dofelmier to be my running mate.. To possibly garner a few more ultra conservative votes.. Then people can say throughout my presidency that I was merely a puppet..
As creator, chairman and lone superdelegate of the Christolitism party, I have a few concerns. I fell the most important platform of our party is the anti-everything gay platform. The addition of Jim N. Dofelmier to Darren's ticket will probably help him with this but that still doesn't explain the uncanny ability to imitate a gay voice of both Darren and Kyle. These questions will need to be answered before I throw the strong arm of my support(thats what she said) in either direction.
Actually you don't need to create a new party. Come on over to the largest third party. The Constitution Party. After our "so-called" Christian President became the first in history to sign legislation into law to fund abortions with tax payer money I had enough and found the Constitution Party was very aligned with my beliefs. Check out their platform under Party Info link.
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