Some thought about the economic and moral crisis in America
The housing market is in a crisis, public education is a destroying our children, and we might be in for a recession. It's my belief that a major contributing factor to these problems and many more was the introduction of women in the workplace in the feminist movement. The increasing norm of duel incomes has driven housing prices through the roof, almost to the point where if you only have one income, you can't hardly make it. We have a generation of children being raised by state funded education after school programs and daycare employees. I know what many of you may be thinking, "Uh hey Ry, isn't your wife going to be a lawyer? What are you going to do when you have kids?" And honestly, I have no idea what we are going to do when we have kids. Thats a really tough question. It didn't used to be such a tough question. God called my wife to pursue her law degree, no doubt about it. She will be used mightily by God because of it.
It's just our reality as a society. You are at a disadvantage if you only have one income and I think that's sad. It is what it is and I don't really see that changing any time in the near future so we as Christians who want to raise up the next generation as pure, strong leaders we find ourselves in a bit of a conundrum.
I posted a video exerpt of The Quiet Man starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. Ah those were the good ol' days. Enjoy :)
P.S. My wife has distanced herself from any association with my blog. A shrewd political move if you ask me. You read this entry at your own risk. Remember Jesus was the Rock of offense